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What is the best treatment for long Covid?

Many people who had the COVID-19 virus continue to experience lingering symptoms such as chest pain, a fast heart rate or fatigue. The symptoms may not be explained by tests and can affect the quality of life, causing stress and anxiety.

It is important for people to feel supported by those around them and to be able to connect with resources that can help. These resources can assist with navigating the complex and long-term nature of Long COVID, such as finding a health care provider that specializes in managing these symptoms. These resources can also help individuals understand that their unexplained symptoms may be related to Long COVID.

While many people can find support online and in their community, it is important to have support from those closest to you. Family members, friends and colleagues can play a critical role in providing this support, especially when it comes to advocating for your needs. This is a time to be patient and listen, as it can be difficult for others to understand what it’s like to live with an invisible illness.

The uncertainty of living with an ongoing illness can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness. It can also be challenging to find or create community with other people who have chronic health challenges, including long COVID. One way to find community is to join an online or in-person support group for people living with long COVID. There are hundreds of groups on social media and online, including the patient-led body politics COVID-19 support group that emerged early on in the pandemic, as well as the Black COVID-19 Survivors Alliance that has a Facebook support page.

For those with children, helping them to manage their symptoms can also be challenging for parents and caregivers. It is often a good idea to work with school administrators, counselors and nurses to provide learning accommodations for children who are struggling to concentrate and think clearly or have difficulties with their behavior.

If you are experiencing unexplained and persistent symptoms after having had the Covid-19 virus, please talk to your healthcare provider as soon as possible. You can use the NYS Provider & Health Plan Look-Up tool to find a provider that works with your health insurance. If your symptoms are severe, you may need to be referred to a specialist in managing unexplained symptoms such as a pulmonologist, cardiologist or neurologist. You can also get a referral to a mental health or physical or occupational therapist to address your specific needs. If you are worried that your symptoms are a sign of a more serious medical condition, call 911 or go to an emergency room. The CDC has helpful tips on how to prepare for a visit with your healthcare provider. You can also sign up for a fortnightly email newsletter to get helpful tips and information on how to cope with your long-term Long Covid Support symptoms. It’s free and takes just two minutes to join.

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